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Latest News
Read all the latest news about First Aid and discover more about the new First Aid courses we have recently added to our training programme.
A New Look For 2nd Chance First Aid
We now have a new look and new new website which shows the the full range of courses 2nd Chance First Aid offer. As you would expect, the website reflects....
Paediatric First Aid Annual Update for Childcare Practitioners
Course OverviewITC Paediatric First Aid Annual Update for Childcare Practitioners (3.5 Hours) This course has been designed for those who work professionally with children under the age of puberty. Changes....
Great News About Paediatric First Aid Funding
Gloucestershire County Council Funding For Paediatric First Aid (Early Years Setting)From the Gloucestershire.gov.uk website… Gloucestershire Local Authority will make a funding contribution towards the cost of paediatric First Aid training....
First Aid Deregulation: What This Means
Changes to legislation in effect from 1st October 2013How It Impacts Your BusinessOn 28th November 2011, Professor Ragnar Löfstedt submitted a report called ‘Reclaiming Health and Safety for all’ –....